We are proud to announce that the Aquatel Hotel is now labeled “Bike Welcome”, a recognition which reflects our commitment to offering services adapted to cyclists. This label guarantees a quality welcome and specific equipment for cycling enthusiasts.

What does the “Bike Welcome” label mean?

The “Bike Welcome” label is a Walloon initiative aimed at improving the welcome and services for cyclists. It is awarded to establishments that meet their main needs and therefore ensure a comfortable stay. In Wallonia, this label is a guarantee of quality and confidence for cycling enthusiasts who travel through the region.

Label Bienvenue Vélo

Our related Services

  • Free bicycle shed: We provide you with a secure space to store your bicycles.
  • Cycling route maps: Upon request, we provide detailed maps of the different cycle routes available in the region to help you plan your rides.
  • Bicycle repair kit: A repair kit is available for small repairs and basic maintenance of your bicycles.

The Region and its Assets for Cyclists

The village of Anseremme is ideally located close to many cycle paths, including the RAVeL network and Eurovélo routes, offering a variety of circuits for all levels. Whether you like leisurely walks along the Meuse or more sporting challenges at the gateway to the Ardennes, our region has something to satisfy all cyclists.

Quality Commitment

The Aquatel Hotel is committed to actively participating in the “Wallonia Destination Quality” approach, aiming at continually improving our services and offering a warm and personalized welcome to all our visitors. Obtaining the “Bike Welcome” label is directly part of this approach.

From now on, choosing the Aquatel Hotel means opting for a comfortable stay adapted to your favorite wat of travelling !

For more information on the “Bike Welcome” label, visit the Explore Meuse et Visit Wallonia sites.

Looking forward to welcoming you soon !